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Old 09-01-2011, 12:11 PM
clarki clarki is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 467


I see what youre getting at by mentioning rugby, youre 220 and fit, not 5'4" and 220. Did not mean to come across as being douchey, I played with way too many guys that wanted everyone to know they were rugby players, practically wore their rugby boots to the bar, probably would have if they could have, most of those types of guys were invisible on the field during the game if you know what I mean....

Now to add my .02, I believe there are 30 inch browns in the bow, rainbows too. there's got to be if so many 28's are caught the odds are good there's bigger right? I've caught them up to about 25-26 in the bow and know how they felt, I've also had fish on that dominated me and my gear that broke me off and i'm sure a lot of guys have had that experience of hooking something REALLY big but never see the fish, especially at night.... as for bulls, they are known to use the bow for wintering then they move up the highwood, sheep etc. some monsters in the bow for sure

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