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Old 09-21-2011, 01:19 PM
Braun Braun is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Originally Posted by Braun View Post
lol. just because your motor is working doesnt mean you know how it works or know what your doing with it.QUOTE]

I think its pretty obvious with all your motor troubles that you dont have a clue about how it works or know what youre doing with it. I'm smart enough to know when I should just scrap a motor and boat and save the cash I would have dropped into it and buy something a little better so I can get out on the water without worrying about whether or not Im going to make it back to the launch without paddling. I will give you $100 for your boat and motor, even then I'm paying more than what its worth from what I've read, either way it would be fun to play bumper boats with if the motor ran for more than 10 min. But now the thread is being de-railed, sorry to the OP, wont happen again.
funny mike. you dont know the chit that comes out your mouth. I actually do know my motor very well inside and out. I know damn well over time that I have put enough money into that motor to just go out and pick up a different used one but I have also gained invaluable knowledge by going through that motor. And thanks to that I dont regret it. If I did go out and get another motor, who knows what condition that one is in. could work for a week and then crap out.

Plus I am very proud of what I did with that boat and all the work I have put it. I actually had alot of fun building things in it and working on it.

Had more issues with the motor than when I first thought but whatever. I got to learn alot about rebuilding a motor, how it works, how to adjust things on it. I'd rather do something or be involved in doing something myself anyday that to just say **** it and move on to something else.

And just so you know: my motor troubles: lower leg was ****ed before I got it. and I fixed it and it worked. Then I found a short in the wiring inside the motor that I never touched. It ended up frying a pair of solenoids and my magneto before I found the short (first I thought it was just the solenoid that went. then the second solenoid went at the same time as the magneto), fixed that, then found out that the timing belt had slipped a tooth because the belt was stretched and old. new belt and re-timed the motor and now it is running better than it ever was. Every time I fixed something I had the boat on the water and it ran fine and then I found the next thing. None of the work I have done on it has failed. All issues were pre-existing on the motor already. and now the motor has never run better. also thanks to the mechanic who showed me how to adjust the carbs and explained to me all the various components of a carb and how it works and how to adjust them.

But that's ok. you probably cant see that from your high horse can you? pull your head out of your ass. If you wanna talk chit, address an issue, teach me something about fishing, or even if you wanna talk about fishing, or whatever, lets meet up for a coffee. I'll buy. I'll even buy you a beer if you'd prefer. Talk it out like people not this internet BS. And that is an open invitation to anyone: Mike, chubbs, Npauls, Kokanee, Overdrawn, anyone

I've met many people on here and I can say with confidence that not a single person who has met me will say a single negative thing. If I say I'll buy you a beer then that's what I'll do. It doesn't mean anything else and I'm not trying to look tough on the internet. I'm not trying to be a big guy, I'm short at 5'8 and a buck 75.

If for whatever reason you wont meet up with me to discuss anything, I would prefer if you kept your narrow minded, personal comments against me or anyone else to yourself, thank you. Its a public forum and has no place for someone to run around making personal comments be it about somebodies back issues or someone's intelligence.

Last edited by Braun; 09-21-2011 at 01:31 PM.
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