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Old 09-21-2011, 07:53 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by cutthroat666 View Post
Fishinmatt had the scenario right but it might help to think of things this way.

Imagine having a rifle in your hands and knowing that it will not fire until about a second or so after you squeeze the trigger. Not one of us would enjoy hunting with that rifle nor would we be as confident when sizing up a good meat doe or trophy buck.

That rifle delay is the same sort of thing that happens when an arrow leaves a bow. Now - add to that the fact that the deer actually can see the arrow leave the bow and travel towards it and the fact that any wind or wind change in that second makes a longer distance arrow shot less likely to hit the intended point of impact.

In my opinion the ability to practice to the point of arrowing a target perfectly every time at 100 yards still does not make for a reliable kill shot of an animal that can move at any time. I will not use the term unethical because I believe we all have different sets of guidelines for our "ethics" but I do believe a 100+ yard shot with a bow gives the hunter a great chance of wounding an animal and never seeing it again - and I don't agree with it.

I won't hunt with someone that will take a rifle shot at an animal outside of what we feel they are capable of with predictable success and I would not hunt with someone that would do so with a bow.

We all miss our intended target occassionally - why add to the number of needlessly wounded animals.

The type of rifle you speak of is called a flint lock, and people use them all the time, but don't let the word get out because there will probably be a thread come up about the unethical use of firearms.
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