Thread: Bass? Alberta?
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Old 09-22-2011, 12:19 AM
swampdoc swampdoc is offline
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Location: Maplehurst C.C.Milton
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Originally Posted by avb3 View Post
I was going to come back with a personal attack seeing you seem to think they are appropriate, but then I remembered that my mom told me when people throw fits and stomp their feet it only means they are showing their frustrations that they don't know how else to communicate them.

So keeping that in mind, I will stay with the topic.

Horsetrader, it is you and others who first referred to how wonderful the bass fishing is in the east and why don't we bring them here. Most who felt that way at one point or the other indicated they were from east of the prairies.

I've fished in Ontario and Quebec. I know how great the fishing is there... much better then here in Alberta.

I've worked with organizations like the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, and you know what? They are one of the premier conservation groups in the country and do a fantastic job. The AFGA has often partnered with them.

I know what the OFAH viewpoint on introduced and invasive species is and I know it mirrors the comments I made. But then, they are conservationists and understand the issue.

I want my Alberta, with all the challenges our habitat has, to stay as much as possible healthy for our NATIVE populations of fish and wildlife. That precludes experiments that some people like you want to perform.

Your concern appears to be not so much for the native species, but your own selfish desire to fish for species that would be here if they belonged here.
Well Sir I don't know a lot about you but I surely don't see where there was a personal attack put on you. From what i've read Horsetrader was only asking you to do what any self respecting person would do. But that for you to decide.
As far as you working with OFAH its either a big story or you just do care who you bash. I'm thinking if you worked with them like you say you would never had made the remark you did I gather its just showing your disrespect for other people again.

You keep saying that Horsetraders wanting is just a selfish desire well it seems to me he has made a lots of valuable points that you have come up short trying to rebuke. You can keep trying all you want but the consensus is you losing ground with every post. Your constant repeating of your post just shows that you are out of ideas.

You started this post with stating that Horsetrader was frustrated i believe you are right but not for the reasons you suggest I would say he is frustrated over the fact a person would make such a remark and not see how insensitive it is. I truly believe the reason the remark was made was because you were the frustrated one. Now you can take this as a personal attack if you wish I don't really care.

Before i finish just one more thing I would not suggest you plan a trip east for a while.
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