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Old 09-27-2011, 11:19 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by Isopod View Post
Okay, I'll start killing suckers because they eat trout eggs. But I'm also going to kill pike because they eat whitefish. And I'm going to kill walleye because they eat perch. And I'm going to kill whitefish because they eat ling eggs. When there's no fish left, we'll know we did the right thing.
Why is it people must make foolish remarks if i caught a sucker and took it home to eat nothing would be said if i caught a sucker and took it home for bait nothing would be said if i catch a sucker and kill it and throw it in the bush where it will be eaten by wild animals and not go to waste. Well holy crap lets kill all the fish what an azzinine remark grow up theres probably not a person here that has not chucked a sucker in the bush
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