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Old 10-06-2011, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by mdepeel View Post
The last time I bowhunted with my dad was in 1993. He's older and has never been able to pull a bow back since we last went out together. This year, he finally got his crossbow permit due to arthritis that he has. He started hunting with me this year AGAIN in the bowzone. I am so excited he finally got it so we can share those memories again in the field. He's excited again to be out and I can see his outlook on life changing as he's picked up an old past time again with his son. I think the debate on crossbows and archery seasons is a joke. If it gets people into the field who normally could not go during archery season it's a great thing!!
That is why the rule exists. Good use of it. I would do the same thing if I had to.

For the people who just want to use crossbows, why? Why don't you use one of the choices available? Part of an archery season is it is for people who have practiced enough to become proficient. Those that don't practice can still get out there but much less chance to harvest game.
IMO there are some advantages to the crossbow but overall not a better tool than a good compound bow in the right hands. We just want to have our fun with less preassure on the game.
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