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Old 10-10-2011, 01:46 PM
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Deb Deb is offline
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Posts: 252

Don't want to clutter up Ken's inbox with another "I'm confused" message, so if anyone could answer this for me, I sure would appreciate it.

If I understand this thread and its purpose, I would post that I have something of value that someone else might need/want. When that item is claimed, I can ask for something listed of similar value. This much I understand.

What I think happens next is that Part 2 of the PIF is that the person who claimed what I posted and I, also, would send the values of the items we claimed to Ken (or the designated charity) as voluntary donations and that's how the gifts we claim would become "pay it forwards."

If I'm correct so far, the only question I have is who determines the "value" of the item claimed in order to send an appropriate donation? Are we on the honour system? For instance, those super duper sunglasses that DarkAisling posted (and that I coveted because, like Orv, I am a sunglasses addict) have a value of almost $400.00 - if I had successfully claimed them, I would then donate that amount as my pay it forward?

Sorry to be so thick,
.... once you get past all the superficial crap, the rest is gravy