Thread: Travers Closure
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Old 11-03-2011, 07:36 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by URDONKEYS View Post
Horsetrader, I can only assume that you are one of these people who never volunteer for anything, but are one that likes to complain about everything a volunteer does. I volunteer for my kids sports, and I am on a social club at my work, and there are always people just like you that are always the complainers but who never step up to volunteer a second of their time.
As for the dock closure, my family and I camp at little bow at least 7-10 times a year. We do not have a boat, nor can we afford one, therefore I, along with my 2 sons fish on the dock almost every weekend. As a fisherman on the dock, I have seen first hand the amount of fish caught off the dock in a weekend, and let me tell you it is not very many, and keepers are far and few between. For those of you with your big fishing boats, you are being selfish in asking for the dock being closed to fishing. You drive all around the lake and fish where ever you like and keep whatever you want, heck, I am sure that some of you even fish with barbed hooks. I have seen on the dock a boat come in with the fishing rods up in the air, with barbed hooks attached to the lines, and you are going to push for the dock to be closed for me and my family to fish??
You guys need to get a life (maybe try doing some vounteer work) and quit complaining about the good other have done!
well I'm glad I'am important enough for you to actually make an account just to flame me BUT I bet its more likely that you made an alter account because you don't have the balls to use your real account. Perhaps we should get the Mods to check that out.See I don't hide behind an alter ego I say what I think and not afraid to let people read it. As far as volunteering I have done a lot of it in my life for different clubs and organizations. I see your long list you volunteer for your kids sports HMMMMM they are your kids after all who should volunteer for them a total stranger and wow a social club at work I'm sure that helps a lot of people. The closer of that area is to help make it posable for your kids and grandkids to still be able to catch walleye in travers you apparently don't care about the future of the fishery there. It amazes me how it is so easy for people to whine about things that other people have worked so hard to get. Perhaps if you didn't need to belong in a SOCIAL club you could have worked a few more hours and bought a boat but that is your concern not mine.I'm sure you have seen lots of boats come in with BARBED hooks hanging off them bet you see a lot of pink elephants to it comes with the social club. As far as getting a life I have one and enjoy it very well sorry you can't say the same. Well I think we're done here.
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