Thread: Travers Closure
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Old 11-06-2011, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by helium View Post
This is an interesting thread with good intentions that started out trying to do the right thing and unfortunately at times has turned into a bashing match and finger pointing; all with from what I can see is un-substantiated information, only experience. I also have spent some time at Travers, I would hate to see the faces of kids sitting on the dock waiting for the lake to open so that they can start fishing as I pull away with my boat because I am fortunate enough to have one or un-fortunate(BOAT - Bring On Another Thousand). For those of you who say there is lots of places for the shore fisherperson/fisherkid to fish, where the @#@$ are you talking about, have you been there, hope you like to walk. The campground is at the West end where the dock in question is, are you saying they should camp somewhere else or just drive somewhere else to fish. You wouldn't be writing about this if you also weren't guilty of fishing in the area's in question, how else do you know, are you taking others word for this? For those who say the lake is in trouble, is that because you couldn't go hammer the fish you used to. Did I say used to or still are but more people are getting better at watching you, listening to you, or talking to the so called experts, I bet you have learned a few things over the years, I know I have and that is thanks to lots of avenues, including the organization listed in this thread. I have had really good days on this lake and others, as well as really bad day, is that because the Walleye are a moving, schooling, and spawning species or are we fishing it out? I would like to try some of you waypoints to see if I just haven't found the good spots yet or have and just gotten lucky. I like to catch fish and show others including kids how to catch fish, I can release most of them with no ill effects, some just are ill hooked or I get the hankering to eat a fish, tell me the rest of you haven't and I will show you a liar for each no. My beliefs are if someone wants to keep the Walleye, any over 60ish cm’s are probably good spawners and should try to keep smaller legal fish if so desired and allowed by the law(debatable if the law is right). Again this is my belief and if someone can definitively prove me wrong I will certainly listen, can I debate the fact without being singled out?

I will be at the next meeting to meet all of the posters that feel so strongly about the regulation changes and discuss what is best, for the future good of the fishery (discuss not bicker, not everyone will have the same opinion). I don’t know all the spawning beds, but it sure sounds like some of you all know and I am glad for that. Is it because you caught really well at certain times or is there more proof? At least it looks like there has been some steps to taken by the fisheries with the good intentions of some people and WU as it was recognized by The Biologist(All the people quoting what the Biologist is saying, has he been notified his quotes are being stated in this post). All you negative posting members bashing the work of what has been done towards the good steps please comment on the work you have done to make this fishery better, besides buying a boat, I would like to hear those success stories as well. Can we start a debate over them as well?

I do agree that shutting down fishing in a lake can be a good,,, for the fish, and as someone already commented all fish not just the Walleye (Burbot and Whitefish don't eat the walleye eggs do they)(Pike don't sit at the mouth of Walleye spawning grounds and eat do they)(Someone should tell them about the closure as well). Sure hope the commercial netters, who are only taking out the evasive species, still keep selling their Walleye so I can have one every once in a while when I have enough money left from fixing my boat.

Sure glad those big noisy wake board boats slow down over the spawning beds so as to not disturb the spawning Fish, they can power up later and have fun as long as their tiny wakes aren’t causing any damage to the shoreline.

Who gets to take on all the issues, or do we start somewhere knowing not all will agree?

PS. Can’t wait to see what this response starts!!! By the way I am aware of my Handle, yes I might be full of it but can’t wait to hear what the posters can come up with?

I dont think you will have to worry about sad kids on the dock if we don't do anything because if we don't, and continue to keep sucker punching our pregnant fish we all will have to find another place to go.....
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