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Old 11-08-2011, 01:21 PM
fear 666 fear 666 is offline
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Posts: 154

Originally Posted by BBBB View Post
I think that handguns and their use should be kept as is. We have enough problems with crooks and whackos having access to rifles and such. Handguns are too easy to conceal and our law enforcement agencies would be under increased threat pulling over any vehicles.Again, its not the sportsman that would ruin things........
I don't agree. You seem to think handguns are evil and turn law abiding people into dangerous people. Why would cops be more in danger at traffic stops, you saying people who legally buy them (have no record) are going to point them at a cop or make a problem. They would be in the vehicle under the same circumstances as a rifle or shotgun (going or coming back from shooting, no other time), so what's the difference? Wackos and crooks already get their handguns illegally, so why would they go to a store and buy one. Again don't see how that adds to it.

I say handguns you should need a restricted license with ADVANCED training where you could shoot them at ranges, in the woods, or carrying for self defence while hiking, shooting on your own property. If they did this l would be fine with a handgun registry just to keep an extra eye on them even though they would be used in the same way as any other gun. They may be a more of a target for criminals to break into your house and steal them, but that is why we have safes for proper storage, so what would be the difference in that threat be now or if the laws were looser?

If l remember correctly l thought l read somewhere last year that in all of Canada less then 10 people died from registered handguns. Not sure though thought l read that.
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