Thread: Slot limit
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Old 11-16-2011, 07:01 AM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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Originally Posted by huntsfurfish View Post

Fish over 50 cm. Will spawn at least once, in some lakes multiple times, ensuring that the fish are self sustaining.

Start removing fish under spawning size and risk goes up dramatically! If people can keep them, they will.
It is quite easy to target large fish (>50cm) and the regulation you suggest ensures that only breeders are harvested.

In bodies where recruitment is low to begin with, allowing a fish the chance to spawn a single time may not enable a sustainable population.

A narrow slot limit means that even if you catch fish all day, you may not catch a fish in the slot, and allowing a single fish over say, 65cm would enable trophy hunters to harvest a fish that has spawned many times.

With enough data, it should be possible to set a slot size which only targets a single age class.

To the guy who felt the need to bring up ethnicity like it matters, crawl back into your cave. You might not be racist, but your comment was ignorant regardless.
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