Thread: Travers Closure
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Old 11-18-2011, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
First off, i applaud everyone in this thread for keeping cool heads and avoiding a lock down. Thank You.
(except for the obvious 1 and 2 post alters)

Some of posters seem to have a huge dislike for the SRD, which may be founded for whatever personal reasons they may have.
Some have posted their personal discussions on what SRD has told them, e.g. "That the arm is not a major spawning area", that comment alone is confussing and lessens the credibilty of this change.
Although i respect that certain clubs claim to have pushed this reg change thru, I want the data from SRD that backs this reg change, data which has been refussed to us. Proper data that gives us the best options for the lake's health. Data that indicates population numbers,fishing pressure,year classes,areas of the lake that need special consideration, etc etc.
Without the data and paper trail i fail to see SRD's purpose or function concerning OUR fish.
My issue has been from the beginning a issue of transperancy. All though i back this reg change in part as it is written. As a fisherman of Travers for over 40 years i see a problem. Is my issue with certain clubs an special interest groups?, not really but there appears to be some evidence in this thread that may indicate they know more than average joe blow fisherman.
Originally Posted by npauls View Post
Thank you for that hard work you are putting in chubb. and I hope you can dig up the information that is necessary to really get everyone on the same page about what is happening with this water system.

Like you said, until we see that information no one can really say what is best for the fishery or make the proper changes to make it a better fishery.
Originally Posted by chubbdarter View Post
I think your suggesting the purposed reg change is not enough to remedy the problem you describe......if thats the case, I fully agree we need more regulations to address the real problem.
Originally Posted by MoFugger21 View Post
This is what makes all of this so strange.... While I think most of us can agree that a longer spring closure would most likely be beneficial to the lively hood of the fishery, there appears to be no data or studies to actually support the closure. So that goes back to all the underlying questions being asked in this thread. Specifically (but definitely not limited to)....
  • What exactly was the process used to come to this decision?
  • What data is there, if any, to support this decision?
  • Why the decision to push for a closure to the west arm, and not a longer closure for the whole lake?

So, if there is no data or studies to support this closure, even though most of us believe it would be beneficial to the lake, how exactly did all of this come about? Surely the SRD doesn't just make regulation changes on a whim, so there must be some underlying issues or motives pushing this closure.... It's all pretty 'fishy' to me...

This Alberta Government has become world class for withholding information.
Wildlife management and hunting regulation changes are having the same issue. Serious regulation changes without public release of any data to support the need. That's why I say, the PC party has gotta go.

Without the data, this whole thread, percieved problems and solutions, is pure speculation.

For those concernced, the Number 1 Priority must be to obtain the data.

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