Thread: The PCR Dilemma
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Old 11-25-2011, 03:34 PM
WalleyeDeitz WalleyeDeitz is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 179

Originally Posted by slivers86 View Post
I say keep it as it is. Its a great place for families to go, within distance of both lethbridge, calgary, okotoks, highriver and surrounding areas. You can camp overnight, catch plenty of fish from shore (for those who cannot afford a boat). I've seen plenty of happy faces when children catch fish there non-stop.

Keep it C&R, and leave it as the lone place other than a couple of ponds where a 3 yr old kid can sit on the dock, and be guaranteed he'll catch his first fish, like most of us, under a bobber with grandpa at his side

This is well put and I agree 100%. It’s the one place I regularly take kids (and adults) in the boat that are new to fishing and know, and I mean know with 100% certainty, that we will have an amazing time fishing and the kids will be hooked for life. My 3 year old daughter caught about 20 in an hour amongst playing with everything else in the boat, all on her own, with the exception of unhooking them. My brothers 2 kids who are new to fishing together caught well over 100 fish in the same hour and spent the whole ride home gleaming about what a great day it was and now keep asking when I can take them fishing again. I must admit, sometimes I wonder if the fish are starving but I got to say, I absolutely love having this lake out the back door.
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