Thread: The PCR Dilemma
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Old 11-28-2011, 10:29 AM
Freedom55 Freedom55 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Perdue SK
Posts: 1,570
Default Seems to me...

...that all the lakes, or what passes for lakes, in Alberta are managed by an arm of the provincial government. SRD or what-have-you, at the behest of an elected MLA and his troupe of bureaucratic bunglers and job-for-lifers, employs an assortment of highly trained scientists and technologists. These people go about their business counting fish and examining the health of the water and the aquatic life. And, in spite of the needs of the other downstream users (irrigation and livestock watering), they are "pedaling as fast as they can" in terms of maintaining an adequate fishery. N'est pas?

But isn't the role of government to meet the needs of every citizen in the largest numbers? And the greatest number of anglers in the province are, likely, the family guys on a limited budget and a bunch of inexpensive gear hoping to have a little fun with the kiddies. Not a hand full of tournament "pros" and purists that know every pool and riffle on the eastern slopes. Plus a big assortment of long-timers in between.

When in the history of man is there documented evidence that, even if such a mind could separate the wheat from the chaff, such educated persons would be susceptible to the musings of the great unwashed? Do you really feel that public input is important to these people, remembering what I have already stated about bureaucrats and their minions?

I for one am not convinced that anything I have to say in terms of how an Albertan wishes to live and fish beyond, of course, "Sure I'll vote for you!" or "Keep up the good work" to a government official is going to fall on anything but deaf ears. Even if I fished PCR exclusively and had plotted every hump and sand bar and knew a bunch of walleye by name. Which of course I don't. Never been to the place. But that shouldn't matter. Lots of fellas comment on s**t they know nothing about. Sadly, the same could be said for a lot of places where I have charted the bottom, so that's my 2 cents.

I do, however, admire the determination of some of you fellas, in particular Chubbdarter, in holding their feet to the fire. Keep at it, I am sure the rewards will justify the effort.

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