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Old 11-28-2011, 05:52 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by wwbirds View Post
My son took a picture with a tape measure next to the bunch we brought home and your big one was the longest at 24 inches. Next was 21!
He was going to send me copies of the pictures but the wind storm took out the internet yesterday and we were preoccupied with a few other things. I will check with him tonight to see if he can send it.
Thanks had a great time. Was looking forward to canned fish until I brought it in from the smoker and my wife says the seal is no good on the pressure cooker you will have to freeze them.
awesome, glad you got a better pic, I should have looked at mine on the camera and got another one. got some in the candy cure right now, have to rack it tonight then tomorrow into the smoker, should be pretty good!!! I hope you didnt lose too much to the wind. I forgot to ask, was that big one male or female?
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