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Old 01-01-2012, 08:39 AM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Camrose
Posts: 45,330

Selfish people like yourself and a few others on this form never seem to worry about others and what kind of a can of worms you open.
So which is more selfish, giving people more freedoms and opportunities that have not been proven to be harmful to society, or wanting to restrict other peoples freedoms because you personally don't want something?

Why do you think the first attempts as getting rid of the long gun registry failed? It was because of people like some on this forum that were afraid that the public was suddenly going to be exposed to danger if a change was made. I can't help but wonder if some forum members are actually against the long gun registry being abolished.

The really amazing thing about this entire discussion, is that if handgun hunting was allowed, and there were issues as a result, changes could be made to address those issues, or the entire idea could even be scrapped if things could not be resolved. However some people are so afraid of the "what ifs", and "what could happen", that they won't even consider opening their minds to consider trying something new.

If public safety is really your concern, are you taking a stance to abolish alcohol and tobacco? Each of those products kill more Canadians every year than firearms ever will.
Only accurate guns are interesting.

Last edited by elkhunter11; 01-01-2012 at 08:57 AM.
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