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Old 01-02-2012, 07:39 AM
Element Element is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Kamloops
Posts: 127

Originally Posted by Rocky7 View Post
I wanted to get this back to handgun hunting, but since you mentioned Montana....

I did some research a while back in connection with some submissions I made to government on Bill C-391.

The murder rate in the State of Montana (a "right to carry" state) from 2005-2008 was 1.9 per 100,000.
The rate in Alberta over the same years was 2.9 per 100,000.

50% higher murder rate here in AB than they have in MT.

I used those years because they were the latest available at the time. I used FBI Uniform Crime Statistics on the U.S. side. Here, I had to buy the stats from Stats Canada.

Now, here's the kicker - it turns out the FBI tracks "homicide". That includes justified killings like self-defence. I think it might also include suicide, but I never could nail that down. Here in Canada, we track only murder and we leave out self-defence, police killing and suicide.

Therefore, if we were able to compare apples to apples, MT is a much more than 50% safer than AB.

Thought some of you might be interested in those facts. Back to hunting.
Ahhh, exactly as I suspected. You've made the numbers say exactly what you wanted them to say. You are not comparing apples to apples in using Montana. Montana's largest city, Billings, has a population of just over a 100,000. The entire state itself, has a population of only about a 1MM people, spread out over a huge area. Let's talk urban crime per capita since 2/3 of Alberta's population live in cities with over a 1MM people. Please show me the crime stats using a comparison of cities of at least 1MM. Crime rates per capita significantly increase in densely populated areas.

Last edited by Element; 01-02-2012 at 07:54 AM.
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