Thread: downriggers
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Old 01-21-2012, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Bigdad013 View Post
I agree with your findings on bull trout being deeper. With the arches being diff size as to size of fish, yes that can be true except for the fact if a fish marks in the outer range of the transducer it will be a smaller arc, that same fish directly under the boat will come in as a larger arc. It's all interpretation and alot of guess work with whats marking. In no way was I suggesting you were not a good angler, and I apologize if it came across that way. I was just surprised that having a top of the line finder with all it's power and tech that you would be using the fish id. I use to think it was a pretty cool option 15 years ago, but I personally have found I have caught many more fish turning that off and going with the arches cause i know they are fish. Just my take on it. Sorry for any misunderstanding
No big deal, I did'nt take any offence to it at all. Just did'nt explain myself well I guess. Really - after I get set up - it's easier to look over my shoulder and see the "average" depth of the gamefish after I crank the sensitivity down (default mode one touch). The reality is .... (see my last post to Mudslinger) .... the technology for fish ID has improved alot in the newer models. I have found it to be pretty good actually. Maybe I'm not maximizing it's potential. Not sure. Seems to work for me anyways.

This why I post on the forumn - to get info and share some of mine. All is Kosher ....
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