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Old 02-09-2012, 05:04 PM
markg markg is online now
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Default I dont have enough faith to be an Athiest

I dont have enough faith to be an athiest.

To be an athiest i have to believe that everything came from nothing. All time space and matter sprang into existence from nothing. Frankly to believe this takes a huge leap of faith and suspence of logic.

Secondly to be an athiest i have to believe that life comes from non life. The mathmaticaly probability of this occuring is so astronomically infintesimaly small that to believe you have to take it happening on faith. In fact the scientist that discovered the DNA moleculue was so trouble by this conundrum that he proposed that aliens seeded the earth. (problem is it just pushes the question back a planet)

Lastly is meaning and transendence and morality. If God and an after life dont exist and all we have is the material universe then nothing matters and everything is only relative to our reality. Nitchze the famous athiest was right in his assestment that if God is dead then ultimately nilhism is the logical position.

I dont have enough faith to believe in any of the above.
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