Thread: Worldviews
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Old 02-10-2012, 10:23 AM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by markg View Post
I have enjoyed this discussion. I am glad we can agree to disagree and remain friendly. Its one of the reasons i am proud to be an Albertan. We have a tendency to put meat on an arguement and not just resort to sound bites and rhetoric.

All of us have put forth proof and evidence for our arguments, we disagree on the validity of said proofs. I dont think we can discount the fact that some very intelligent people have argued these ideas for centuries. Both sides are legitimate. I do resent being told that "faith' is unreasonable and no facts exist to prove the existence of God. This is offensive and assumes that over 1 Billion People around the world are by definition "idiots" for there beliefs. It also assumes that the person making the statement is somehow intellectully superior, and that is eliteism.

Finally i would like to offer up some of my favorite books and authors that better explain my position. If your interested look these folks up, on there web sites or buy there books.

DR. William Lane Craig

Greg Kouckle (master in philosophy) web site is stand to reason

I dont have enough faith to be an atheist Dr Norman Kiesler
Case For Christ Lee Stroble
In the Fullness of Time Dr Paul L Maier
Darwins Black Box Dr Michael Behe
A proof is sufficient evidence or argument for the truth of a proposition.

what you have is an opinion, you do not have proof of any exhistance of a god, and as far as a billion people believing it does that really matter? 99.9% of the population of the world thought the sun rotated around the earth, and 99.9% of the population thought the world was flat, just because people belive something that does not make it true or a fact.
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