Thread: Worldviews
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Old 02-10-2012, 01:40 PM
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covey ridge covey ridge is offline
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Originally Posted by eastcoast View Post
to paraphrase from bill maher's recent new rules.
show me a god and I will believe in him.
That's rich! I would just say if one could show god, I would not believe it was God. I find bill maher a bit entertaining, but I find him all too often offensive to anyone but his own reasoning. I wonder why he spends so much time in argument with those he thinks foolish? I think there is wisdom in not arguing with fools. I know why bill mayer says these things! bill mayer is a comedian! I can not see electricity but I can see the result. I can not see a Creator, however every day I can see things that no creature especially man could create. Till someone like bill maher with all of his so called reason can explain how to make simple things like grass and trees and give them life I will stand in awe of what I choose to call the Creator. I find these discussions interesting, but I do embrace the mystery of the questions I have more than what I often hear claimed as definative answer. I love the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament and I like the Koran and the Gita and a whole bunch of other sacred writings and often it feels like the words speak to me. I do think that these documents need to be rescued from those who use them as weapons and from those who try to use them to expain the unexplanable or define what can not be defined or inflict their opinion on others. I do not wish to inflict this opinion on anyone else. It is just mine.

Last edited by covey ridge; 02-10-2012 at 01:45 PM.
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