Thread: Worldviews
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Old 02-10-2012, 03:32 PM
Mistagin Mistagin is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Ft. McMurray and Kingston
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Always amazes me in discussions like this when those who don't believe (or don't want to believe) ask for proof, and when proofs are given in abundance, those proofs are discredited because they don't meet some kind of undefined 'super'-standard of proof!

That's often the problem with the Bible - demands are placed on it that are not demanded of any other literature. But when the same criteria are applied to the Bible as other ancient literature the Bible exceeds the 'rules' in every way.

An example of not accepting proofs given in the Bible: there are plenty of eye-witness accounts of Jesus' resurrection, hundreds of people saw him and testified to it, yet their testimony is discounted. Why?

One argument that always comes up in these discussions is why there was / is little record (there is some) of Jesus in Roman records. The same could be asked about tens of thousands if not millions of other people. To the Romans of the time Jesus was a nobody. The Romans saw no need to keep records on him. He was such a nobody that the Romans acceded to the Jewish leaders' demands to have him crucified - even though Pilate himself declared Jesus innocent. So in a way, even the one or two references to Jesus' death in Roman records (which have been pointed out in this thread) is remarkable! But for some reason even that is dismissed as proof of His existence as a real person. And even the movement called "the Way" (Christianity) that exploded very rapidly in a very short time after Jesus was gone from earth - and was recognized by the Romans as a threat - a movement that is still going and growing today all over the world - was and is dismissed as 'foolishness' and nothing more than a human religious construct based on a 'myth' created by a bunch of supposedly illiterate Jewish common folk. Hmmmm, why?

Here's another proof, but it won't be accepted either: I am proof of the validity and reality of the Christian faith. I am proof Jesus is who the Bible says He is! And there are and have been billions more like me. We believe! (But of course, our faith and our existence as followers of Jesus Christ is not considered to be adequate to be counted as a proof - because faith is not considered to be scientifically verifiable ------ or is it?)

Why do I say I am proof?

I am reluctant to share this because I don't want to draw attention to myself. But I am alive today (Praise God !) because many years ago God prevented my death in a work accident in which I should have bled to death in moments. The doctors were astonished that my femoral artery wasn't severed by a circular saw that got away from me one day. There was no logical reason why that artery wasn't shredded. The one in my left leg was fully exposed, flesh ripped from around it, but the artery wasn't even scratched! It should have been ripped apart! I've got a scar running from just above my knee to my hip. All the doctors could say was, "It's a miracle!"
And I could tell lots more personal stories about how God has worked, and is working, through and in my life, making what was impossible possible, and providing when only miracle provision was possible - however, it must be said that there is a 'requirement' - I have to be obedient to His work and call.
I have 'heard' the 'voice' of God speaking to my heart - and 'heard' it in my mind (Okay - here's where someone can make their snide comments about hearing voices ). I followed His instructions and that led me to where I am today. Of course, most generally speaking, only a person who believes in God is enabled by His Holy Spirit to 'hear' God speaking!
I can say out of absolute conviction that I would not be where I am today except for the fact that God Almighty, Creator of the Universe, loves me, has saved me from my sin through the work Jesus did for me at the cross of Calvary some 2000 years ago, and has taken me back as a son. I would gladly die for Him!

Now I don't expect anyone to believe because of my experiences and faith, nevertheless, it is grossly unfair to dismiss faith as proof just because it is faith. And that is because faith is rooted in real, verifiable experiences of real people just like me. To say otherwise is akin to denying my very existence!
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