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Old 02-11-2012, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Arn?Narn. View Post
Plato was a great thinker and philospher, but again, just a man.
I believe, from my studies of Plato and his mentor Socrates, that the metaphysical theories put fourth by both, are far more literal in meaning than you have posted.

What you have failed to address is that Socrates and Plato's theories of metaphysics are universal. To subscribe to your interpreattion that the bible is a physical manifestation, also means that everythinhg within it, written and witnessed, were also physical manifestations of what is real,..

Your arguement for the Bible existing as evidence of God, based on Socrates or Platos theory, is a circular arguement, and not valid.

There is no religion that believes in a god, that can provide a valid arguement, unless that arguement is based in pragmatism.

Are they? In what way? Did they not concerned themselves with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world as it related to their thoughts?
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