Thread: Worldviews
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Old 02-12-2012, 01:33 PM
eastcoast eastcoast is offline
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Originally Posted by 30Cal View Post
Yes. He examines both sides. Do you not base your present position with the information you have assimulated? From one or two sides. My library consist of both, does yours? As said before I was not a believer to begin with and I had a mind like yours in my younger years, but all the information that one needs to come to an informed conclusion/decision is in place, or is still being brought to the table, in its time. Afterall, is this not a war of spirits and principalities? Or do you not believe that you are a spiritual being?

Do you discard anything that does not concure with you belief system, without investigating?
If so why?
isn't that what religion does all the time? isn't that why you are trying to discredit carbon dating? I have seen the facts and made a choice I will choose common sense not fairy tails about sky daddies.
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