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Old 02-13-2012, 02:29 PM
spopadyn spopadyn is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 222

Originally Posted by CamoDerrick View Post
Sounds like you want to target the people that hold the fish out of the water for 10 min while taking pictures, rather than the barbed vs barbless debate. Landing a fish quickly is not better for the fish if you do not release it right away.
Just making a coment on those who claim to have read the studies but didn't. You are right - if you have no intention of releasing a fish - obviously a barbed hook will be worse for the fish! And yes, it is my pet peeve all the posed for pictures with fish to be released. I love watching the fishing guides who release fish by never netting and using a quick flick of the pliers. Those shows on WFN where they take pictures then measure the fish and hold it up for all to see - man that is so annoying. Either kill it or let it go but throwing a fish belly side up in the water is not catch and release!
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