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Old 02-15-2012, 12:21 AM
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Originally Posted by BeeGuy View Post
Interestingly enough, that is a quote from the general discussion forum. It was posted by someone who's father was a retired officer and it was the fathers advise to the son.

I would not teach that to my children until they were about 14 and needed to start understanding how the world actually works and how to protect themselves legally.

You see, the authorities dont view us as sunshine rainbow happy citizens. They view us as potential perps.

We are job security, and they have a quota to fill.

That said, I am not against LEO's or CO's or any other similar occupations. I believe they are a necessity and I appreciate the work they do.

I also believe in my charter rights and freedoms and believe I have the right to the security of my person from unreasonable search and seizure.

I don't poach, and because of this it is my opinion that CO's will never have just cause to search me.

See where I'm coming from?

i probably wouldn't model my parenting skills off of the general section. I can tell you right now, that living in the society we have today a officer that didn't view you as a perp wouldn't last too long. they are paid to up hold the law not give you positive reinforcement for not breaking it. if you don't poach then you have nothing to hide, so why are you so worried? if you appreciate them why make life hard on them? talk with them, help them out and let them be on there way. i don't think co's need any more job security, i have a hunch they got there hands full. where do you get the info co's have a poaching quota? i would like to read that.....i have no idea where you are coming from.
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