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Old 02-24-2012, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by rwm1273 View Post
I have a meeting on Monday with my son's principal and teacher. The Principal called to inform me that my son is in trouble for making a gun like action on the school bus, and that since he was already reprimanded for bringing bullets to school. (actually was only the .22 lead from the target, and he forgot it in his pocket. He wanted to take it to school for show and tell when I told him he needed to get permission from his teacher to take his target and spent casings to school, which prompted him to empty his pockets into the coin pocket in the car except for this one, and when he was at school he found it in his pocket under his mitten. He showed his friend, who told the teacher he had a bullet, and then got called to the office and was told he could be suspended for it because it was dangerous.)

Anyways I spoke with my son, and it sounds like the kids where playing on the bus to school, but he was the one to get into trouble. He is also in trouble because he took his BB playbook to school and took a video of a couple friends. The principal has informed me that this is also a very bad issue as he did not have permission from all the kids parents to take a video.

Bottom line, schools these days are out of control with control. Kids are punished for the stupidest little issue, yet are not taught proper rules and behavior, yet alone reading, writing, and arithmetic.

The principal specifically wants to talk to me about guns and gun safety on Monday. She told me that she knows I own weapons, and wants to ensure that I am careful with them around my children. I think that will be a very interesting conversation.
You will have to come back and fill us all in on the chat. I have a 4 year old who will be hitting the school system soon, as well as several relatives (by marriage) who are school teachers, even one who is a principle. I will have to bring this up one night at the next family diner and see what the "policy" is.....

Don't ever utter the words "idiot proof" in regard to anything, as upon your reflection........the world will immediately get going on building a better idiot thereby making your proclamation mute
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