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Old 02-29-2012, 03:50 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
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Originally Posted by Bigtoad View Post
Look at HunterDave, he's been "educated" several times on this thread and others and he still hasn't learned much of a lesson.
Oh I have, have I. And what education would that be.......cuz a course is required to go hunting? Let me offer you this......when you shoot a mule deer instead of a whitetail it's gone, period. There is no hatchery anywhere in Alberta that grows mule deer to replace it. IMO comparing fish as a resource to big game is absolutely ludicrous and a poor argument for making a fishing course mandatory. I don't think that I need to point out the obvious differences between a rifle and a fishing I? Think.

I find what I have read on this forum in the past week about growing trophy fish to catch, creating more C&R waters in the name of better fishing, making a fishing course mandatory in the name of saving our fish, deeply disturbing. But I guess that there will always be people in our society that want to take things to extremes. Take these people for example:

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