Thread: Bass? Alberta?
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Old 03-01-2012, 06:46 AM
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Originally Posted by grinr View Post
here is what "the professionals" have to say about SMB:

NS this,NB just don't want to accept the truth nor get the facts from those in the know that have witnessed the destruction first hand because it discredits every argument you throw getting off your high horse and actually read the DFO link provided,and take note that SMB were legally,albeit miguidedly introduced to TWO.....yes TWO landlocked lakes in NS on the of 2009 as per the DFO report provided they are now found in 188 lakes and rivers thanks to ILLEGAL introductions by the bucket brigades.In NB iirc(?),SMB were stocked in 4-5 southern NB lakes in the late 1800s and again,illegally spread to just about every watershed that will support them.
I know of one lake in Alberta that was stocked with them in the 70s or so but they did not seem to take. Island Lake N.east of Hanmore Lake. No problems in other lakes around there with them spreading. Maybe they just winter killed? Ever think that its not the bucket brigade that spread them but birds or something else. Nature does have its ways.
I fished there in the late 80s and saw a couple guys haul out a few fish that did not look like perch but was too far away to really tell what they were. Hav'nt been there since. Who knows for sure if they are still in there or not. Think there were a few other lakes stocked in Alberta with smallies also around that time.

No need for insults and name calling either.

Last edited by admin; 03-01-2012 at 08:48 AM.
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