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Old 03-04-2012, 09:43 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by jeprli View Post
Predators will benefit because there will be much more food to eat.

This whole tread does not make sense, you're trying to get a reaction from people who knew about this problem from begining. Why would they be silent about this for more than a decade???

This is starting to look like a story of don qUixote, with sundance in a lead role. Is there really a point in fighting a battle thats already lost?

You cannot erradicate brook trout which is way easier to catch and locate, or how about losing battle with perch? Why don't you introduce rotenone to lake sundance if it so effective against invaders? Kill those perch already!

A lot of effort has gone into containing and controling of prussian carp in entire europe. In over 50 years no one succeeded, and prussian carp is still dominant in most warmwAter bodies. Same goes for sunfish and american bull catfish.

Some things just cannot be controled by a man, get over it.

Me thinks you doth protest too much.

These fish are not native...they should not belong...they will take over...they will predate on eggs, same food as native fish, destroy you are saying...I love fishing for them so leave them be?

You need to be part of the solution when it comes to invasive introductions...not part of the problem.

Some idiot controlled putting them in the Red Deer some smart people need to understand what can be done. may be too late due to lack of effort or apathy...or maybe something can be done and it just takes us to tell F&W that we are not sitting on our hands...shrugging our shoulders...shyly looking over the hill at our "secret" carp hole wondering is the mean old Sundance going to make it go away.

Please give it a can not justify what someone has done here. If something can be done to fix it you CANNOT stand in the way.


Sun (Free to remove invasive species!!!!)

When you started catching them a long time ago...did you report them to the regional F&W biologist? It would good to know the approximate date you showed the F&W officer the carp... If there is not a system in place for field officers to alert head office biologists to invasive species...then you may have hit the nail on the hammer as a cause and why we need a plan in place each time this happens... Sadly this is likely to only increase in frequency so long as greedy idiots think of themselves and not all fishermen in Alberta.

Last edited by Sundancefisher; 03-04-2012 at 10:10 AM.
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