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Old 03-04-2012, 09:50 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by fish gunner View Post
what im trying to say is action is the key to nipping this issue in the bud. flooding the system with predators creates an army of mouths killing does not need a sturdy will do no harm to the system but will kill lots of carp. sturgon relased in the correct area at the right time will decimate the eggs before hatching. no. idea if it is going to wipe the carp out but it will slow the spread and is an action that can be taken NOW. this along with netting and electrofishing at least gives our rivers a chance you guys have very little first hand experience in the damage carp can do and if annual water temps climb even a little we will not have even pike left. we can only hope a 05 flood event coincides with the carp spawn.
Unfortunately while you mean well...this will not work. You have to get rid of them all and as soon as possible. No amount of natural predation or forced natural predation will remove the carp.

A flood would like wash thousands and thousands into the Red Deer thereby potentially making a large enough population in the Red Deer River to be sustainable.
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