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Old 03-04-2012, 10:16 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by jeprli View Post
I really don't care about these carp nor am i wondering if you'll destroy my "secret" carp hole. What i will do is sit down and laugh at this vision of yours. You will never be able to control this species of fish, get that through your head.

You cannot control your local lake from perch invasion, are you sure you can containan an area almost 1/3 of entire province?

I'm still wondering how a person who has no actual knowledge of this species(apart from wikipedia) will bring this problem to an end, when at the same time he lost a battle at the homefront(perch).

If you get anywhere with this let me know, i'll happily point out known locations with carp.

When do you plan to erradicate rainbow trout, brook trout and brown trout they are invasive species as well?seems like people love catching them and no one is complaining, same will happen with this carp problem.
Pointing out known locations of Carp is a great first step. Please list them all here...and I am serious if you are.

As I mentioned above...depending upon how big the problem is...maybe there is or maybe there is not something to do. What I am saying is let's get the information out there...clearly many people did not have a clue. I suspect many people in F&W did not have a clue. So we need to encourage a fast response to gathering the data and then sit down and see...have we lost...or can something be done.

At the very least...private carp ponds should be toasted. People should not benefit from this travesty.

Arguing that people will love catching them...hides the actual facts...the damage to the native species people love catching.

Brook trout out competed native cutts and bulls. Hybridized with bulls damaging natures genetic balance. Rainbows out competed cutts and hybridized losing for ever many strains of pure strain westslopes cutthroat trout.

Justifying in your poor IMHO. But unfortunately that is the apathy F&W may look to for making decisions versus doing what should be done and making hard decisions to try if there is a chance.
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