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Old 03-04-2012, 03:23 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by fish gunner View Post
ok if a predator flood is unlighty to succeed how abought an electro fence in the lower reaches of the mentioned streams. contain the spread till a better solution is worked out. in my opinion by the time the vogons in SRD/F&W react to the problem it will be two late given their lack of action/concern at the present time. that is on top of the lack of concern from our form members, other than the few multiple responders on this thread. if need be as sundance commented earlier take native net samples and nuke the whole affected area. then find the entry point and they can pay for the clean up program.
Electric fence won't work. You either address the root problem or run around in circles.

If you look at this area on Google Earth it is a small creek with very small creeks flowing in...likely the main creek is dry in places during the Summer. Likely the only over wintering and summering areas are dugouts, impoundments and a few deeper holes behind culverts and around corners.

Easy to walk...easy to treat...easy to target except for impoundments and dugouts. They are harder to deal with due to size and water volume...but are likely the most critical places to target as that is the carp production factory. Don't want to use rotenone? Then set some prima cord!
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