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Old 03-18-2012, 09:04 PM
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Willowtrail Willowtrail is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Posts: 2,499

Not sure on the ice Critter. I would love to hit it up one more weekend but not sure if possible. Time will tell.

We go into a couple more today. One of Viral's lakers was released before a picture and Champion got into another.

And a little fish head shot for DACE

We had a bit of a rough night sleeping out on the ice in the FatFish. Once it started to rain which wasn't too bad the wind picked up. Probably 50km/hour. It sucked. Had the tent all tied down good but the wind shifted angles in the day and was blowing on the side of the tent. We made it to midnight without much trouble. The wind died down and the rain stopped. To sleep we went. Just as I was about to doze off I got a hit and bells were jingling. No luck. Fell asleep and we were woke up at 2:30 by more wind and rain. By this time all the snow around the skirt melted in the rain and we had to head out and drill a bunch of shallow holes and throw the snow on the skirt. Then we were warm and comfy. Then at 6am we Virals rod got a hit and our day started.

It was a great weekend and we all had an awesome time. Now back to work and see what next weekend brings.
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