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Old 03-21-2012, 10:25 AM
avb3 avb3 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tactical Lever View Post
Kind of a no-brainer that he had gotten permission. Kind of like your boss (if you have one) saying: "You know that thing I told you not to do? Flip the script on that."

If you flip back to Genesis, it appears Abraham was under the impression that both of them would be returning from the mount.
Where exactly does it say that in Genesis 22? Your reading between lines that just are not there, literally.

Further to that, Abraham did not confirm, nor deny that Isaac would be the sacrifice, he merely said that God would provide the lamb.
Your reading things into the bible that are not there. And that's OK, as long as you view the rest from an allegorical and metaphorical point of view.

It is NOT OK if you are reading the rest of the bible literally.

You sure throw the "cobbled together" term around fast and loose for someone you believes in something that violates the laws of physics, and biological proofs, don't you?
Well, what did the Constantine bishops do but cobble the NT together? What else would you call it, when they left so many gospels out?

Guess you don't understand the importance then?
The take away message is that Christ did not want the disciple to honor his dead father. There is no other message that makes sense.

Sure, it's not. But why would we ban, or attempt to ban it? Not very tolerant, is it?
As covey ridge has, I also have given a lot of thought to school prayer. I grew up with it, along with readings from the bible, pledge to the queen and singing Oh Canada. I didn't hurt me a bit. For the longest time I thought, "What's the big deal".

And frankly, it was OK, when virtually everyone in our society was from a European background.

Today we are much more secular, and we have many citizens who are non-Christians in their beliefs. So, what is the solution.

One can either ban public prayer in school completely, one can ask that students reflect on their spirituality in their own way for a minute of silence, or one can have rotating prayers based on the various religions involved.

My choice would be outright ban (religion belongs in the church/temple etc and in the home) or as a compromise, having the moment of reflection.

Perhaps you could explain why these (Juda's in particular) belong in the Bible. Maybe we could just go ahead and throw Genesis right in the front of "Origin of Species"?
You may want to listen to what Elaine Pagels (a professor of religion at Princeton University-in other words, a biblical scholar at a most prestigious university) discusses about the gospel of Judas, and why it is important. She explains it much better then I ever could.

So, you need to see Adam's skeleton to believe? Kinda askin' for the moon aren't ya? There's some pretty fair evidence for a world wide flood though. Lot's of stuff buried (all together) in rock layers all over the world. Even on the mountains we've found sea fossils.
A "world wide flood" has pretty well been debunked by geologists, biologists and other scientist who use science to find things like oil, DNA, minerals etc. The theories they use work, every time. Faith doesn't. BTW, I've seen sea fossils up high in the mountains, and it is a geological fact that mountains do rise. Over millions of years.

Inner legos, outer legos, you say they all make trucks. So where does "it" come from? If there is no source as you claim, what would make it worthwhile to observe? Why would we value fellow man, if they are as you claim, "just an incidental competing bag of protoplasm"?

You obviously don't understand the Logos, even as it is described by Christians, do you? Read your bible (John 1 in particular, you know, the gnostic gospel that made it into the bible) Aristotle, Carl Jung, Zeno of Citium (a Stoic) or Philo of Alexandria, who even Josephus writes about, and although brief, about 3 times as much as he does about Jesus.

If you are not going to expand your understanding of science, then perhaps it would be useful if you expanded your knowledge of religious studies, as opposed to just accepting what you have been told or you thought you were told.

BTW, I have never said that man was "just an incidental competing bag of protoplasm". Not sure if anyone else did, but I am pretty sure those are not my words.
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