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Old 03-21-2012, 04:07 PM
horsetrader horsetrader is offline
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Originally Posted by slee View Post
Let me rephrase it again.

If the total possession is 10 per person and the catch limit of lake X and lake Y is 5.
Can one fish lake X and then lake Y on the same day with the limit of 5 on each lake? So, in total, they will have in possessions of 10 fishes at the end of day.

Would photos be sufficient enough to prove that they were fishing at different lake?

Originally Posted by BIGBADJOHN View Post
Then you are over possession only allowed to have 10 in your possession . Thats when that provincial possession limit applies .

Province-wide maximum possession – All fish kept from any lake or stream, from any Watershed Unit, count as part of the province-wide maximum possession that must not be exceeded. The maximum number of fish you may have, including fish at your home and fish caught under a special harvest licence, for each game fish species or group of species is listed below:

•Trout and Arctic Grayling – 5 in total, combined of:
0 bull trout (native to Alberta);
2 Northern Dolly Varden (stocked in Chester Lake only);
1 golden trout;
2 Arctic grayling;
3 lake trout;
5 cutthroat trout;
5 rainbow trout;
5 brown trout;
5 brook trout.

•Mountain Whitefish – 5 in total.
•Walleye and Sauger – 3 in combined total.
•Northern Pike – 3 in total.
•Yellow Perch – 15 in total.
•Lake Whitefish and Cisco (Tullibee) – 10 in combined total.
•Goldeye and Mooneye – 10 in combined total.
•Burbot (Ling) – 10 in total.
•Lake Sturgeon – 0
•Non-game fish – no restriction on the numbers kept.
NOTE: The limits and size restrictions that exist at specific lakes and streams are listed in the Watershed Unit sections of each Fish Management Zone.
How can he be over pos. limit if limit is 10 and all he has is 10???
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