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Old 03-22-2012, 07:31 AM
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Speckle55 Speckle55 is offline
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Originally Posted by JohninAB View Post
If I am reading your post right, and
If the daily limit is one whitefish per day, you cannot do what you propose which is fish the lake in the morning and keep one then take home and come back and keep another one.
Those lakes are side by side and each has a 10 lake Whitefish limit so you could go to each lake and catch one then go to the other and so on ..until you hit your 10 Whitefishlimit

if the lakes limit is 3 then go catch your 3 and go to another lake with a 5 limit and catch 2 more then go to a lake with a 10 limit and catch another 5 and go home.. Its elementary my dear Watson

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