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Old 03-28-2012, 12:59 AM
ks23 ks23 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1
Default thank you for signing Petitions

Thank you for posting this petition and thank you to those who have signed. There are now 3848 signatures on the Keep Protection of Habitat in the Canada Fisheries Act! petition.
Douglas Channel Watch is sponsoring the Petition. They are an active citizens group in Kitimat BC concerned with the environment. I personally know the person who wrote the petition.
The Care2 site is slow with logging names and numbers. But it does post all names. Something that I like about this petition site is that it allows you to leave comments, and not just your name.
I have been posting this all over facebook and tonight I decided to see how far it's reach went, along with many interested groups...and I found this thread on here.

Here is the other petition done by the same person and group, it does not have as many signatures. Feel free to sign,
Save the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act from further gutting!

There are also other petitions circulating. I encourage everyone to sign or write letters...our voices need to be heard together.

Enjoy your outdoor adventures!
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