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Old 05-17-2012, 10:02 AM
Bigwoodsman Bigwoodsman is online now
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Originally Posted by Yéil View Post
Coming from a place in Canada where we're forgotten about like a tow-headed step child, makes me laugh when politicians from the east get on their rocking horse trying to whip up old east/west rivals. They never cease to amaze me how they can ignore the north/south rivalry.

Mulcair is a snot-nosed, granola munching, eastern urbanite that has no clue where the rest of Canada actually is. His Canada ends at the junction of hwys 401 and 40 and hwys 185 and 2. If he's after alienation of the rest of Canada, he's doing a fine job so far.
You are absolutely correct, this guy will make the NDP a one term opposition party in Canada. Unfortunaltely, he will be the cause for the return of liberals. If the Harper government stays the course they will remain a majority government for many years. Opposition like Thomas Mulcair, will ensure that.
I'm not a fan of the NDP but this party died with the passing of Jack Layton. Thomas Mulcair will never be the leader that Jack was.

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