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Old 06-04-2012, 01:36 PM
Drewski Canuck Drewski Canuck is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 3,996
Default Ultimate perch weapon!!!!

slip bobber is correct. Split shot is correct. Small rubber tail jig is ALMOST the solution.

I don't mind sharing the secret with all of you as I know most are too timid, or maybe I'm just that crazy.

Go in the shallows, and start turning over logs, sticks, etc. grab the dragon fly nymphs and small leeches off the underside and put them in a jar of water.

I have annoyingly caught fish after fish off the trestle at Missawawii in the old days, right beside other fishermen, who could not figure out what the difference was. The perch could actually be seen swimming away from the other fisherman's hooks when the nymphs and leeches started wiggling.

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