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Old 06-05-2012, 06:50 AM
nitro nitro is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 393

I have a Bradly,a propane water smoker and a charcoal one.The Bradly is the most noob friendly,and can do the most things.The other 2 are no good for cold smoking,the propane 1 is pretty easy to use as well and don't have to be checking or mopping the meat as often.The charcoal 1 IMHO makes the best meat but its more of a labor of love to keep checking on it filling the charcoal watching the temps mopping the meat etc.That being said the bradly is also the most$$$$$$,the other 2 I spent less that 200 bucks for ,but hoping to upgrade my charcoal 1 this year and the 1 I want is 800 bucks from bass pro.What ever 1 you pick up have fun
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