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Old 06-20-2012, 09:42 PM
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Kolt30 Kolt30 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rackmastr View Post

Any indication from SRD how they arrive at the numbers? One concern I've always had with % of harvest numbers is the fact that Alberta rarely does very good 'harvest' reports and a 3-4 question online survey hardly could give very accurate results.

It seems like a bit of a pipe dream to think that they get accurate numbers for any species (other than sheep, etc) with what seems like a low hunter survey response that sometimes proves random at the best of times.

Regardless....lots of interesting changes going on the east side of the mountains!!!
X2 on the stats, how many of the email surveys get sent out that no one answers or how many phone surveys do they do when they get screened? are they just counting those as successfull to stack numbers? some sources most definetly need to be shared before they should be passing anything. Would blow goats if they put it on draw, so much time in the woods/fields that would be taken away
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