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Old 06-20-2012, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by sheephunter View Post
Harvest stats collected over the years. I know you don't want to believe them but........It's sad to see any opportunity lost but archers are allocated a certain percentage based on some WMUs they are exceeeding that harvest. We seem to live in a province where all groups need to's just the archers' turn. I see no positive in this but the stats are the stats and it's what we have to work with and they say the harvesty is above 15% in some WMUs. it's the archers' turn to give...lord knows the rifle hunters sure have in the past decade.

It's sad to see this turning into archers against rifle hunmters yet once again....I'd say there is a bigger problem that all huners should unite against but sadly I doubt that will happen and too many groups seem too concerned about their piece of the pie rathjer than the big picture. The hypocracy is certainly not lost on me here...sadly it is on many.

There is no winner here...only losers.
I agree with you here TJ .. there are no winners only losers .. However , Potty has a valid question , that being , without a registration of kills how can SRD come up with an accurate count ? I phoned hunters for 10 years doing the survey and never, ever had close to 15% success rate on mule deer for bow hunters in all those our club phined . Sorry , SRD is out to lunch ... again .
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