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Old 06-21-2012, 08:50 AM
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walking buffalo walking buffalo is online now
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I call BS on the concept of a "conservation" concern.

While Policy may be the hammer, the nail is yet another in the hunting coffin.

UNLIMITED Landowner tags, Outfitter allocations exceeding Resident draw licences, and now we are about to lose a valuable general season over a handfull of deer?

There is a proven concept in Wildlife management called Compensatory Mortality. THOUSANDS of Mule Deer are wiped out by vehicles every year in Alberta! Hunters should be allowed MORE licences to take deer before they are wasted on the highway.

There are people within the government that want ALL hunting to be on a Draw. It is an incremental fight to eventually eliminate hunting. They have won yet another round.

I wonder which bodies on AGMAG will oppose this recommendation?

Will APOS oppose it?

Will AFGA oppose it?

Will Safari Club International oppose it?

If you support any of these groups, call and ask for their position on this matter. Let them know your support is dependant on how they will vote.

Last edited by walking buffalo; 06-21-2012 at 09:19 AM.
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