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Old 06-21-2012, 11:31 AM
Full Curl Earl Full Curl Earl is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Northern Alberta
Posts: 1,703
Default 15%

Maybe the 15% cap is the issue. How did they arrive at that number? As archery increases in popularity, so should the 15% cap. As an example, if 80% of hunters were archers, and 20% were rifle, would it not seem appropriate to have 80% of the resource go to archers? Maybe that 15% number is due an increase? Another reason archery success is higher is that it is much easier to get permission than it is for rifle hunters, and the harvest gets dispersed onto parcels of land that would otherwise not get hunted by rifle hunters.
I am also now very aware of how responding to the harvest surveys have now "shot me in the foot", while others, many being rifle hunters I suspect, avoided them like the plague! That won't happen again. Mandatory registration or nothing else for me! And I am both an archery and rifle hunter.
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