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Old 05-27-2008, 02:43 PM
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srp71 srp71 is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Edson AB
Posts: 573

We were trolling the south shores of Rainbow Lake one nice summer afternoon,about a dozen yrs ago or so,when I caught a snag.It was a fairly large tree branch,with some line tangled in it.Well we go to untangle the line to take back to the garbage when my buddy pulls up a cheap but still working rod and reel.As he is messing with it the other end of the tangled line starts tugging on us.WTF,we shout.He has the branch and rod in hand so I hand over hand the line in to find a large northern still attached to the Yeller Five of diamonds.Well as I am flinging her,yes flinging her as we had no net,over the side of the boat the hook breaks as the treble was well rotted.We wieghed it at 12#'s although I always suspected that rusty old scale of wieghing a few #'s heavy.I am happy to finish by saying the fish was released (hopefully) no worse for wear,the line was untangled and thrown out and the rod was still in use when I left town the next year.
Buy a gun,p!55 off a Liberal.
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