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Old 07-25-2012, 10:31 PM
fishing101 fishing101 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 149

Just want to let everyone know we are live now. You can register for the event. I will be sending out emails to all the people that have emailed me so far.

Here is the link to register is you want to print it off yourself and keep up to date with the event.

We are also going to have for sale U2 pro live well formula for sale and Canada buff also in the fish patterns. These are great for the cool morning and the hot sun.

The price for the 4 oz bottle U2 live well formula is $6.00 this will easily get you both tournament days. We will have extra if you guys want to bring some back to alberta or use it at another tournament. The Canada buff's will be around $23.00. Just cash for these items.

If any issues just let me know.
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