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Old 07-27-2012, 10:28 AM
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Saltmania Saltmania is offline
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Originally Posted by Abbydel View Post
So. . .this might be an obvious question (or indeed, just a stupid one! haha) but I'm curious of the logistics of your trip (I'm wanting to do something similar). If you spent a few days floating down a river. . .how did you get back to your car at the end? Or did you paddle back upstream? (kidding on that one of course :P)

Again. . .sorry if this is a stupid question lol
No problem. Glad to help. There are a few options.

What we did was load our truck and had friends of ours drop us off at the launch, take our truck, and then pick us up four days later at Dunvegan.

It worked out since they had relatives to visit in Rolla right near the launch and are just awesome super accommodating people.

Otherwise, you can coordinate two vehicles and leave one at the destination then drive to the launch, but that adds a bunch of driving back and forth.

One other option is to hire a shuttle to pick you up and take you back to your vehicle. Some cab companies do this.
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