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Old 08-02-2012, 12:09 PM
billie billie is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Rural Calgary
Posts: 1,376

I would suggest patience and presentation. You don't say if you are fly or spin cast.

Other than fairly rare situations and for experienced fisherpeople, the Bow does not offer up her fish easily. Do some forum searches and learn the nymphing techniques posted on here, they will likely be the most productive to start, but read all the methods and try them all. It was slow for me when I started but it gets better each trip, but that is the point, right?
Try here for fly fishing:

Try here for spin cast:

Do some searches on the internet and learn how to read rivers for fish holding spots. They will help you quite a bit.

Reading a river:

I don't do spin cast but 1/8-1/4 oz panter martin spinners in yellow and orange have worked for my wife.

Good luck and remember, patience, it will all come togethr for you eventually.
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