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Old 08-06-2012, 11:16 AM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
Gone Hunting
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Location: North of Peace River
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Originally Posted by Camp Cook View Post
You definitely have a point...

Fortunately I know far more that are proficient than not.
You must run with a different crowd then I do. LOL

I do know a few good and a few exceptionally good rifleman, but the average hunter/shooter that I know, has far less skill then they think they do.

They can hit a paper target and they have taken game, but on a typical day they miss more then they hit. And most have never CLEANED a gun in their lives.

Sure they tell great story's about their bang flop successes which may or may not have happened, but every time I've hunted with one of these fellows or been in the vicinity when they were hunting, what I see them doing is spray and pray.

It is one of the primary reasons I prefer to hunt alone and as far as possible from other hunters.

And before some wise guy suggests that is only folks in this area that shoot like that, I would point out that in my experience, it is outsiders who came here to hunt as often as it's locals.
And it's city people as often as it's farm boys.
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